Corcega (Costa Dorada Region)
2.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Center: 400 m
Beach: 150 m


Hotel Description

These apartments are located in a quiet area in a street parallel to Paseo Jaime I, in the center of Salou. The beach is only 150 metres away, and there is a bus station in the vicinity. The centre of Salou, as well as several restaurants and supermarkets are a 5-minute walk away. PortAventura Theme Park is a 10-minute drive from the apartments, while Barcelona is a 90-minute drive away. Among its facilities, the apartments have a swimming pool and big garden area, and a children's playground with swings.

Costa Dorada Region
This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : Calle Major 31, Salou, ES
Phone: 977380201
Fax: +34977381013