Biz Apartment Gärdet (Stockholm)
4.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.




The BizApartment hotel is located in the area of Gardet in the north-east side of Stockholm, 500 metres from the Frihamnen harbour where many cruiseliners dock. It is a calm residential area and one of the largest green areas in Stockholm also with a small forest. There is a bus that stops right outside of the hotel for access to the city centre within 10 minutes and the Gardet metro station is about a 10 minute walk away. It is very conveniently located for visiting Kaknastornet, a 170 metre high TV tower that offers amazing panoramic views of all of greater Stockholm.


Standard Studio Apartments are spacious and all have modern fully equipped kitchenettes and are decorated in a modern light scandinavian design, providing a homely feeling. Rooms face Frihamnen harbour or the green area of Gardet.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner are available at this property in the adjoining restaurant.


This is a modern building.


This hotel has a small lobby.


The BizApartment hotel offers stylish apartments for both short or long stays in a calm green area in the north-east of Stockholm, perfect for nature walks or jogging runs, yet still very convenient access to the city centre via either bus or metro. Gym, restaurant and a bowling centre are located in the same building for guests to easily enjoy during their stay. All guests also have access to a communal laundry room found on every floor.

This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : Sehlstedtsgatan 4, 115 28 Stockholm, SE
Phone: +46857855300
Fax: +46857855399