Olympia (Tel Aviv)
3.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 45 km (Ben Gurion International Airport)
Center: 5 km (City Centre)
Beach: 350 m (Beach)
Subway Station: 10min
Bus Stop: 3min
Bus Station: 350 m (Local Bus Station)
Station: 20 minute walk (Central Bus)
Entertainment District: 100 m
Nightlife: 550 m (Nightlife Area)
Restaurants: 450 m (Restaurants/Bars)
Shopping: 600 m (Shopping Area)
Park: 21 km
City: 7 km - Ramat Gan (Nearest City)
Fair Center: 3 km (Tel Aviv Port)



The Olympia Hotel is located in the heart of Tel-Aviv and boasts beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea. The hotel offers 64 rooms equipped with air conditioning, cable TV, telephone and private toilet with hairdryer.

Every day the hotel serves a delicious Israeli breakfast where you can try different flavors of the region.

Also note the 24-hour concierge service, concierge service, and free Wi-Fi internet service available in the public areas of the hotel.


Olympia Hotel is situated in Hayarkon, just 2 minutes walking from the beach and the Tel-Aviv Marina. The Ben Gurion Airport is a 30-minute drive from the hotel


Bar/Coffee Shop


Tourist Information Point


TV (Cable/Satellite)


Check-In: 14:00
Check-Out: 12:00
Children Accepted
Credit Cards Accepted

General Information

Total Rooms: 64


City Centre: 5 km
Beach: 350 m
Shopping Area: 600 m
Restaurants/Bars: 450 m
Nightlife Area: 550 m
Airport: 25 km - Ben Gurion Airport
Commuter Railway Station: 3 km
Inter-City Railway Station: 3 km
Local Bus Station: 350 m
Nearest City: 7 km - Ramat Gan

Tel Aviv
This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : 164 Hayarkon Street, 6345119 Tel Aviv, IL
Phone: +97235242184
Fax: +97235247278