Maritsa Studios (Kos Island)
2.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 12 KM
Center: 30 KM
Beach: 0.2 KM
Bus Station: 350 m
Port: 30 KM
Entertainment District: 600 m
Church: 6,9 KM (Agios Mamas)
Tourist site: 2,5 KM (Agios Stefanos basilica)
Water park: 17,8 KM (Lido Waterpark)
Park: 17 km
Next Big City: 350 m
Forest: 42 km


The Maritsa Studios is a simple property set back from the main road in its own pretty gardens on the outskirts of Kamari Bay in Kefalos. There are plenty of shops, bars and restaurants within walking distance and the beach is just a ten minute stroll away. Rooms have their own bathroom and kitchen area and although there is no pool onsite, guests are welcome to use the swimming pool and snack bar next door at the Manolis Studios.

Right Choice:
The Maritsa Studios is a simple property set back from the main road in its own pretty gardens on the outskirts of Kamari Bay in Kefalos. There are plenty of shops, bars and restaurants within walking distance and the beach is just a ten minute stroll away. Rooms have their own bathroom and kitchen area and although there is no pool onsite, guests are welcome to use the swimming pool and snack bar next door at the Manolis Studios.

Eating and Drinking:
Guests have a simple kitchen area and are within easy reach of all the local wining and dining venues. For a convenient drink or snack, guests can use the snack bar next to the pool at the Manolis Studios.

All have * bathroom/shower * WC * kitchenette * (certain amenities may be payable locally)

Suitable for:
Singles, Couples and Small Groups of Friends

Swimming Pools:
The studios do not have their own pool but you can use the pool of the adjacent property.
Kos Island
This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : Kamari Bay, 85301, Kefalos, Kos, Greece
Phone: +302242071150
Fax: +302242071055