Bellevue Vistanova (Torrenova)
3.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 25.0 km
Center: 1.0 km
Beach: 0.18 km


The BelleVue Vistanova is situated near the Mediterranean sea in Punta Ballena and is surrounded by the beaches of Palma Nova and Magaluf. Although it’s in a quieter part town, there are many shops and supermarkets in the streets around the hotel, and the popular Punta Ballena Street is 200 m away. The hotel facilities and services include 24 h reception, lobby area, lifts, TV room, Internet corner and WiFi Interent access in public areas (with extra charge), restaurant, bar, night club (seasonal), outdoor pool with children´s section, pool bar and sun terrace. It also features table tennis and billiards (with extra charge) and offers occassional nightly entertainment (seasonal). The rooms are equipped with A/C, TV, telephone, safe, (with extra charge), balcony/terrace and bathroom with bathtub/shower. ** Please note that some of the above facilities may be closed due to weather / seasonal conditions.** Address: Calle Berganti 2, 07183 Magaluf, Mallorca, Spain.
This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : Calle Bergantí 2, Urbanizacion Torrenova, 07183 Magalluf, Palmanova, Mallorca, ES
Phone: +34971680750
Fax: +34971682225