Galeno (Rome)
2.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 25 km (Rome Fiumicino Airport)
Center: 2.0 km
Bus Stop: 300 m (Porta Pia)
Underground Station: 600 m (Castro Pretorio)
Station: 15 minute walk (Castro Pretorio)
Central Train Station: 1.50 km (Roma Termini)
Ski: 37 km


Hotel Galeno is a cosy and compact hotel found in a calm setting just outside the vibrancy of Rome City and offers guests an affordable and comfortable stay. A B&B service is provided; continental breakfast can be enjoyed in the inside garden area in good weather, and the pleasant rooms have ensuite facilities and the essential requirements for a good base. Nestling amid the embassies and universities, and within walking distance of Villa Borghese Park and Porta Pia, the Hotel Galeno is a small, friendly haven from which to explore the city of Rome.

Getting to the hotel: Rome's Leonardo da Vinci Airport serves.

Local tips: The hotel is only a 10-minute walk from the main train station; and many local bus routes (or tube) to the city attractions.

Please note a city tax of 3 Euros per person per night is required and to be paid locally.


Food, drink and entertainment: Continental breakfast room, small garden area for breakfast and relaxation.

Additional: Reception Services, housekeeping, and private parking (charge).

Key Collection Details:
Please collect your keys from reception. Please note a city tax of 3 Euros per person per night is required and to be paid locally.
Number of Rooms:
Room Facilities

Guest rooms of single or double are well-kept and clean with the essential requirements for your comfort; features include central heating, air-conditioning (charge), ensuite bathroom, TV, and direct dial telephone.

This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : Via dei Villini, 10, Parioli & Nomentano, Rome, It, 00161, Rome, Italy
Phone: +39064402045
Fax: +39064403629