Novina Hotel Südwestpark (Nuremberg)
4.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 11.00 Km (Nuremberg Airport)
Center: 6 km
Bus Station: 100 m



The hotel is located in a green business park, a 20-minute drive from Nuremberg's airport, city centre and trade fair. The closest link to public transport at the hotel is "Nuernberg-Stein" station which is a five minute walk from Hotel. The train to Nuremberg main station in the city centre takes only 6 minutes.


The main restaurant "L'Orchidee is furnished in a classic way and offers a variety of light dishes of local, national and international character. It is completed by a well assorted wine list with wines from all over the world. The ?Caipirinha-Cocktail-Bar? offers a relaxed atmosphere where an ambitious bartenders mixed your favourite cocktail or longdrink.


This is a modern building.


This accommodation has a small lobby.


This is a great, modern hotel in close proximity to the city centre and with good links to public transport. The modern Spa / recreational facilities at the hotel include a Finnish sauna, an infra-red cabin and a Rental bikes service.

This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : Südwestpark 5, 90449 Nürnberg, DE
Phone: +4991167060
Fax: +49911672071