Be Smart Florida (Tenerife Island)
2.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 25 Km.
Center: 100 m
Beach: 150 meters ( the nearest beach)
Bus Stop: 0.1 Km.
Bus Station: 50 m
Next Big City: 100 km
Interesting place: 0.2 Km.
City: 38 Km.


Be Smart Florida is set in Tenerife’s Puerto de la Cruz, just 100 meters from Playa Jardín Beach. These good-value apartments have an outdoor swimming pool. Each spacious studio apartment has a well-equipped kitchenette and an en suite bathroom. Studios also include satellite TV and a sofa. The Florida Apartments complex has a 24-hour reception, foreign exchange service, as well as car and bicycle rental. The apartments are a 15-minute walk from the old town of Puerto de la Cruz. There is also a public bus stop nearby. The resort has many shops, restaurants and bars in the surrounding areas.

Rates are valid only for EU Passport holders
Tenerife Island
This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : Calafate, 3, 38400, Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife (Canary Islands), Spain
Phone: +34922370068
Fax: +34922387051