Gilgal (Tel Aviv)
4.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 4 Km.
Beach: 1 Km.
Port: 2.8 Km.
Shopping: 0.8 Km.
Park: 5 Km.
Interesting place: 2.5 Km.


Hotel Gilgal is located in the heart of Tel Aviv - the perfect sanctuary for the leisure or business traveller. The hotel offers modern, contemporary accommodation combined with an intimate atmosphere. Newly built and opened in 2008, Hotel Gilgal is only a short walk away from the Tel Aviv Beach and the City’s shopping area, restaurants, coffee shops and bars. The hotel features original art by Israeli artist Baruch Maayan which is on permanent display in the various conference halls. Reception at the Gilgal Hotel is open 24 hours a day and you will also find a coffee shop in the lobby. The hotel is wheelchair friendly. Public parking is available close by at a moderate fee. Our Hotel shop contains a variety of Israeli gifts and books, local herbs and crafts allowing you to bring back some of Hotel Gilgal’s special atmosphere and share it with your friends and family. The Hotel Gilgal library is a place in which guests can connect, research, and get inspired. The tranquil environment of Hotel Gilgal makes it the perfect place to discover and re-discover literature. Hotel Gilgal’s elegant Coffee shop "Café 7", with its unique and intimate atmosphere, is both a local attraction and a place in which guests can enjoy a pleasurable pastime. The restaurant is open at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and offers Mediterranean and international specialities. Hotel Gilgal’s conference hall, rooftop seminar room and conference room, combined with its peaceful atmosphere also make Gilgal an ideal location for conferences and special events. Combining intimacy with a high level of comfort, Hotel Gilgal’s guest rooms will make you feel right at home.

Credit Cards Accepted:

  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • EC
  • MasterCard
  • Visa Debito
  • Visa Electron
  • Visa

Built: Date built : 2008
Floor count: Number of floors : 7
Number of rooms: Number of rooms : 50
Tel Aviv
This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : 7 Nes Ziona Street, Tel Aviv, IL
Phone: 972235111000
Fax: 31205248040