White House Hotel Tel Aviv (Tel Aviv)
4.0 stars
Hotel and room photos are provided to give a general overview of the accommodation. Guest room photos may be of the rooms of a different category than the one you book and may be not identical to the room your customer is going to be allocated at.



Airport: 25.00 Km (Ben Gurion International Airport)
Center: 1 km (City Centre)
Beach: 700 m (Beach)
Bus Station: 20 m (Local Bus Station)
Entertainment District: 0 m
Nightlife: 30 m (Nightlife Area)
Restaurants: 130 m (Restaurants/Bars)
Shopping: 20 m (Shopping Area)
Next Big City: 0 m
Forest: 1 km
City: 17 km - Rishon LeZion (Nearest City)


Tel Aviv is considered a very popular tourist attraction in the country and all over the world, and for good reason. As the culture capital of Israel, the city offers a wide variety of attractions. Among all the different attractions, one of the most famous and popular is Tzina Dizengoff Square (named after the wife of the first mayor of Tel Aviv, Meir Dizengoff), adjacent to which The White House Hotel- Boutique Hotel is located. Whether you come for a family vacation, a romantic vacation or a vacation with friends in the big city- the right room will wait for you in The White House Hotel. The hotel has 7 quiet, rear facing “classic” double rooms, 13 “superior” rooms with a large and pampering Bauhaus balcony which can accommodate up to 3 guests, and a “deluxe suite” room, with a huge round balcony which presents a view of the street and the square, and accommodate families with up to 4 persons. The service is courteous and exceptionally efficient, the rooms varied and of fine quality, the spa luxurious and pampering and the environment is the heart of one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Those who are looking for a pleasant, unique and high-quality accommodation experience in a boutique hotel in the big city- will find what they are looking for here.
Tel Aviv
This map is provided as a complementary information and it may contain errors. Always check the address of the hotel and use it for navigation!
Address : 89 Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv, IL
Phone: +97235608989
Fax: 97235249282